I have had the pleasure of meeting Dawn more than fifteen years ago, and I am elated to disclose that knowing her and having her in my circle has changed my life! She is a kind, loving, intelligent, deeply spiritual, intuitive and empathetic light, who is intent on sharing her unique gifts with others on their journey toward healing and becoming their best and healthy version of themselves. I have also felt blessed for being a first-hand witness to observing her over many years, continuously striving to sharpen her skills by reading, researching, and receiving more training and education on the subject of Energy Healing and beyond. She is forever a teacher and a learner-and also an inspirational writer and speaker. All of her practices, discoveries, and mantras, to which she applies to her own life. I have learned a great deal from her.
I have had many sessions with Dawn, while she has worked on issues I have had such as Lyme disease and co-infections, extreme hair loss form illness and stress, lingering Covid 19 complications, respiratory problems, headaches, anxiety, brain fog, and radiating pain in my back and extremities. The space she uses for her sessions is comforting, immaculate, and balanced. During or shortly after each session, without being able to sufficiently express with words, I experience a shift, and feel better, mentally and physically. Radiance is present and abundant while Dawn is at work. A feeling of wellness, wholeness, and relief, also continues indefinitely, long beyond the sessions. Although I have had world renowned practitioners treating me for my ailments, I always turn to Dawn for help when I know I need her. This is such a comfort. I trust her explicitly, and her abilities to help. She is ALWAYS there for me-and for my family and friends to help us toward healing, and for that, we are forever grateful. Please do not hesitate to contact me about Dawn at [email protected].
(October 2022)
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