Dawn’s restorative energy healing sessions embrace her natural ability to tap into the divine and open others’ energy. She intuitively works with each chakra to cleanse each energy center and remove potential blocks. Each session is an organic process to healing where whatever is needed for the individual will emerge. Through Dawn’s work, she specializes in holding a safe, sacred space for individuals to connect with their higher self beyond name and form. If messages from divine forces come through during the session, Dawn will share these insights. Each energy healing session is a unique experience where no two sessions are alike! Dawn’s gift allows others to heal from within, where true healing occurs.
Read testimonials to hear what others have to say about Dawn’s gift!
Dawn’s energy healing sessions are held in Rutland, Massachusetts. To inquire about an energy healing session for yourself or others, fill out the form below to be contacted via email with more information! Dawn looks forward to hearing from you.