There is a presence within you. It is always there. It never changes. It waits patiently for you to awaken and remember who you really are. It is your true self beyond name and form.
One day you will realize that you never needed to worry and suffer so much. That there was another way of living right there alongside of you. You will start to see you have a choice in the way that you respond to life. And that you can actually choose to respond in the moment instead of unconsciously reacting to it through identification with your thoughts and emotions.
This is the usual habitual way of living for most people. We are called to evolve higher than we have. This is an urgent call for ALL to choose the path of Awareness of who you really are not who you think you are. Then live and act in a way that acknowledges the being in yourself and then in others. To show kindness and compassion knowing we all are born in this world and are taught to identify with our mind and not our true self. We learned this by watching the way our parents lived in this world.
This is not to place blame or judgment on the others that came before us. It’s the acknowledgment of the state of our shared experience in this world. No one is better than anyone else in spirit. Choose to feel this truth by learning to stop, listen, feel, and observe what is going on inside of you. We are here to be self – realized. To not focus on the faults of others but to see our own faults from a distance. No condemnation or judging only seeing how we have been acting and how we have been identifying with our thoughts and aren’t clearly seeing the truth.
“We are the creators of our own chaos.”
Once we begin seeing this, we can choose a different more peaceful way of moving through the world as true souls. It’s an inner connection to our true self that lays the foundation for “being in this world but not of it.”
We are here to awaken together.
Let’s help each other to see we are brothers and sisters on a journey to awakening to this timeless truth.